Grids patterns and such

 Hey y'all,

My 'gram

This post is going to be about grids and patterns. Honestly, I found this subject fairly easy to comprehend because it seems that everything is linked to or comes from grid forms (we literally live in cinder block buildings with literal cell structures). I also think that a strong argument can be made that patterns are found everywhere. For this post, I want to reflect on the patterns that immediately surround me. 

For my pattern post I found a sketchbook/diary that someone had lost. It seemed to be from a young kid (maybe like 12 or 13) who was struggling with their significant other moving to California. I won't get into too many details because a lot of the content was private... however, I will share some of the art that was included within because it reminds me a lot about the patterns that we had discussed in class.

I posted this on the gram but the pattern is good!

Good ol' tapestry that I can't wait to get rid of. Has a circular/repetitious pattern throughout (its in a corner so that is why it is not a perfect circle... I disrupted the pattern)

"You can construct compositions, layouts, and patterns by dividing space into fields and delineating its cells in different ways" (176) 

This quote refers to what I was saying earlier about how everything comes from grids and patterns

For grids, I looked directly in my room for inspiration. I am surrounded by calendar grids, broken grids, and strict grids.

I feel like this counts as a broken grid because my pictures are arranged in four quadrants but are also not completely following the grid.

This is a calendar grid because it has dates and weeks etc... not too original (I ripped it out of a planner and taped it to the wall... RIP capstone)

A kiddo at work drew this for me and said "Look Jordan I drew your bones!"... slightly creepy but well intentioned... I added this because my ribs are a funny grid pattern

Thats all so see ya,



  1. I like how you think about grids in your everyday life and even on body parts. I haven't thought of it that way before.


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